Story of my life......

Story of my life......

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Meet me on Monday

I am so not sure if I am doing this right but I am going to try.  Here is the link to  great sight.

Never Growing Old

Meet Me On Monday


1.  Have you (only you..not a group) ever won first place in anything?
           Believe it or not I also won a fire prevention poster contest in 3rd grade.  I never really win anything so this was my shining moment

2.  Are your toes always painted (sorry guys...this question for girls only)?
          I never paint my toes and that is only out of sheer laziness.  If I did paint my toes this is what I would like them to look like.

3.  What color eyes do you have?
         Hazel eyes, except on bad days and then they get a really dark brown.  Usually when my Lupus decides to kick my ass

4.  Look to your left....what do you see?
         Massive amounts of work.  I am at my office on lunch and this is my afternoon project.  Except of course for the two books, these are the 7th and 8th book from the Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time series that I an re-reading before I read the newest book in the series.

5.  Soft cookies or crunchy cookies
         This truly depends on the cookie.  Oatmeal and Gingersnap, soft and peanut butter, chrunchy.


  1. Tammy,
    I feel so special because I am your 1st follower! How cool is that!!
    I live in Colorado and complain about the cold are in the deep freeze compared to us! I enjoyed reading your blog and I hope you have as much fun in this blogging world as I do.

  2. Hi Tammy,
    Cool toenails. Looks like something my teenage daughter would adore:)
    I have won first place. Won the state baby derby in NC when I was born. You might say I was born winning.
    I feel special because I'm your 2nd follower. But not as special as Shawn:)

  3. Thank you for visiting me and for joining my Meet Me On Monday meme!

    Those are some great answers!

    I am now following you! Please follow me back if you haven't done so already!!

    Thanks for participating and I'll meet you again next Monday!!!

