Story of my life......

Story of my life......

Friday, June 3, 2011

What the hell mother nature - June 3rd and SNOWING!!!!!!!!

So today we are getting ready to haul animals in to was and get ready to show at the 4-H beef achievment day tomorrow. The most amazing thing about this happens to be the weather. This picture was taken yesterday, the temperature was 27C (80.6 F) with a nice breeze. It was a beautiful day. I mowed a couple acres of lawn and planted some garden.

It is now a wonderful 0C and snowing.......on JUNE 3RD.....what the hell is wrong with the weather.  There is nothing less fun than trying to do summer things when it feels like winter. 

Just had to vent a little before I go outside to hook up and load the stock trailer.  It will be a wet and cold day by the time we are done.


  1. If it makes you feel any better it was 100F here in Texas today.

  2. And nearly 100 today here in Ks.. with 30 mph wind. .I pick snow :-) Not really!! But I DO pick the 80 degree temp of Thurs.

  3. So I finally figured out why I couldn't comment and now I can actually respond to all of your comments. Yellow flowers.....I wish....this year it seems we have an abundance of dandelions. From afar they look nice but will soon to digusting fuzz that will make everyone sneeze at my house.

    I am totally sure I would not like 100F as my lupus makes me have an aversion to the sun but I would just like it to not be a 27 degree change in temperature over night.
